Roam Around by ChiChiLand

Roaming around…I guess that’s something we all do less of since this pandemic started. I know some people never do it at all, they like to have a purposeful trips and always now where they’re going etc. I get it, it’s efficient but what’s the fun in that? 😉

I just love wondering around aimlessly in a city, especially if it’s my first time. Just let my instincts guide me, get lost a bit, discover new parts, run into different people, find secret treasures.

Roam Around by ChiChiLand

Roaming around…I guess that’s something we all do less of since this pandemic started. I know some people never do it at all, they like to have a purposeful trips and always now where they’re going etc. I get it, it’s efficient but what’s the fun in that? 😉

I just love wondering around aimlessly in a city, especially if it’s my first time. Just let my instincts guide me, get lost a bit, discover new parts, run into different people, find secret treasures.